JG: So, let’s start things off with a
little background. Tells us about yourself and your writing.
CM: First, let me say “Thanks, JG, for
having me here!”
Let’s see…
I recently left the West Coast behind and moved to Calgary with my daughter,
our cat, and ferret. I am an active member of the Horror Writer’s Association.
My fiction tends to be more character driven with a light lean towards the
literary. Also, I prefer to write more psychological type horror. Although, I
just finished a LitReactor course on the Choreography of Violence with John
Skipp so who knows?
JG: Women in Horror Month celebrates
the contributions of women to the world of dark fiction. When did you first
know you wanted to be a writer, and, as part two of that, when did you know you
wanted to write in the dark fiction arena?
CM: I grew up on the West Coast of
British Columbia and from a young age knew I wanted to write stories for people.
Along the way I discovered dance, painting, and acting so, in my teens, I tried
those as well. Basically anything creative, I wanted to do it. Writing was
always my first love, though. In 2008 I felt my kids were old enough for me to
start exploring seriously writing instead of dabbling. To finish what I started
and begin submitting. I’ve never been happier!
I knew
dark fiction was my arena when all my stories, from the age of ten on,
contained a dark element. I remember trying to write a “Serial Romance” for a
couple Jr. High friends and in Episode Three a ghost appears and in Episode
Four someone loses a leg.
JG: Where does your inspiration for
stories come from? Your own fears? World events? Conversations?
CM: I find inspiration anywhere it
presents itself. Usually my stories are not based on one thing but an
amalgamation of things.
JG: You’ve previously attended writers
retreats in haunted houses and hotels. Can you tell us which ones you
participated in, and what they were like?
CM: I’ve participated in Rain Grave’s
Haunted Mansion Year Two retreat that was a lot of fun. Lovely people, great
food, and a surprisingly good amount of work accomplished. As for ghosts, there
may have been one or two kicking around…
Also, I’ve
been to the Stanley Hotel Writer’s Retreat hosted by RJ Cavender and Dark
Regions Press twice. The hotel has a wonderful atmosphere, not too creepy but
just creepy enough. Definitely things going on that make you go “hmmm”. The
conversations in the bar at night are the best. So many great writers attend
and there’s a lot to be learned from them.

JG: In addition to writing, you worked
as a bartender. Did the people you met provide great characters for your
CM: They did! You get to see the best
and the worst of human nature, not to forget everything in between, while
bartending. The best being the two brothers who’d take the time to do a four
hour drive once a month to bring their ailing mother in for lunch. The worst
being the idiots who decided they were going to pick a fight over anything. Oh,
and full moon days. Those could bring in the craziest people. All character
fodder, of course.
JG: Who are some of the women writing
horror/dark fiction today that you think should be getting more recognition?
CM: Oh wow, there’s too many for me to
name since right now there’s a lot of excellent women in the field. Off the top
of my head, Rena Mason, Erinn Kemper, Angel McCoy, Eunice Magill, Mehitobel
Wilson, Katie Cord, Roh Morgan, and Joan Francis Turner.
JG: Because this relates to Women in
Horror Month, there has long been an ongoing debate that men and women write
differently. Do find that there’s a difference?
CM: I would have to say for mass
market fiction, unless you’re Anne Rice, then yes there is a difference. Women
tend to be lumped more into Paranormal Romance than Horror. In the Independent
or Small Press world, I find there’s really very little difference between the
men and the woman. Both genders can write awesomely graphic horror,
psychological horror, and literary horror equally. I’d also have to say this is
more a reflection on the market rather than the talent.

CM: To the young girls and women out
there I say, “Go for it! You never know until you try!” Oh! And when
submitting, always, always follow the guidelines. I would also suggest joining
an organization like the HWA. Their mentor program is more than worth the
membership fee.
JG: Lastly, tell us about some of the
things you’ve got coming out in the near future, and what you’re working on
beyond that.
CM: Right now, I’m working on wrapping
up a novella with Gene O’Neill. I also have a story coming out in Rothco
Press’s The Frankenstein Experiment anthology, which is an anthology of stories inspired by the Stanley Hotel
Writer’s Retreat. Then it’s another novella due in September 2016 and,
hopefully, I’ll be able to start my novel this year as well.
Marrs lives in Calgary, Alberta with her daughter, a cat, and a ferret. She has
stories in A Darke Phantastique, The
Library of the Dead, and Dark Discoveries (the Femme Fatale issue). Her
first novella, Everything Leads Back to
Alice came out in 2013 and her second, Wild
Woman, in 2015. You can follow her on Twitter (@Chris_Marrs), friend her on
Facebook ,
or drop her a message at: hauntedmarrs@hotmail.com.
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