Nancy Kilpatrick
Today's blog features a special guest appearance by acclaimed author and editor, Nancy Kilpatrick, who's written more than 20 novels in the horror, supernatural, and paranormal genres, edited 15 anthologies, and been recognized by Fangoria as "Canada's answer to Anne Rice." She's best known for her vampire novels and short stories, including her latest, Savagery of the Rebel King, which comes out this month. I've been a fan of hers for a long time, and I'm more than happy to have her with us today talking about those sexy, scary creatures of the night, vampires!
written and read way more vampire books than any mortal likely should.

In my own
vampire fiction, I've leaned towards the superior species perspective. I've
always been annoyed that in some books and films the vampire is too easily dispatched.
To live 100, 500, 1,000 years and still not know how to defend oneself makes a
character stupid in my view. I never wanted to go for stupid; too often that is
the easy way out. We've all read or viewed novels and films where the
complications are wondrously presented throughout and yet the resolution is slip-shod
and disappointing.
The steps
away from Victorian ambiguity to the full-blossoming erotic encounters between
immortals and mortals has also intrigued me. The new vampire is so much like us
and what we humans seem to prefer: young, intelligent, attractive, suave, mesmerizing—did
I forget to mention sexy?—what's not to fall for?
But if
they are so appealing (and this is where Twilight
comes in—btw, a young adult series which should be seen in that light), doesn't
this diminish the fear factor? AKA The Good Boyfriend/Girlfriend Books, there
is little frightening about most YA Nosferatu. The fear seems rooted in a youthful
virgin's sexual awakening push-pull towards the opposite gender.
I like to
call my Thrones of Blood series: Vampire Books for Adults! Why? Because amidst two large overarching series
plots where those macrocosm plots develop within the individual microcosm plots
of each novel, the enmity between vampire and human societies leads to violence,
and sex, and sexual violence, all of it precipitated by interspecies
relationships that go against the grain.
I also like to say—over and over it
for shouting!) Their inhumanity makes them interesting because like every
species on this planet, they have their
own agenda, which isn't our agenda.
They are Other, and Other in fiction is usually captivating...and often dangerous!
Thrones of Blood is a six-book series. Four are out so far in
ebook and print, found, well, everyone knows where, as in, the usual places:
- Revenge of the
Vampir King (Vol 1)
- Sacrifice of the
Hybrid Princess (Vol 2)
- Abduction of Two
Rules (Vol 3)
- Savagery of the
Rebel King (Vol 4) (ebook just out, print to follow
by the end of Feb.)
And coming
in 2020/2021:
Anguish of the Sapiens Queen (Vol 5)
- Imperilment of the
Hybrids (Vol 6)

Nancy Kilpatrick is an award-winning writer and editor. She has published 21 novels, 1 non-fiction book, more than 220 short stories, and 6 collections of her short fiction, comic books, a graphic novel, and she has edited 15 anthologies. Her work has been translated into 7 languages. She is the recipient of the Arthur Ellis Award and has been a finalist for numerous Bram Stoker and Aurora awards. You can follow her at,, and
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